April 25, 2021

The First Blossoms in the Spring Garden

Hello and welcome to the spring garden! My favorite season in the garden is spring, with its wonderful exuberance of shapes, colors and textures that is especially welcome after the challenges of winter. For spring blossoms I rely on trees and shrubs, carpeted beneath by perennial bulbs.

The photos below are roughly in their order of bloom, spanning the end of February through the end of March.

Cercis canadensis (eastern redbud)

Camellia japonica (common camellia)

This displays the profusions of buds and blossoms.

Crocus sp. I have only spring blooming crocuses, but there are several species that bloom in autumn.

Hyacinthus orientalis (common hyacinth)

Narcissus sp. Given an area they like, daffodils will spread readily.

Camellia sasanqua

A prolific bloomer, it has gotten quite tall in 20 years.

Prunus serrulata (Japanese cherry)

Pieris japonica (often called Andromeda)

Acer palmatum (Japanese maple — no flowers but pretty red leaves in both spring and fall)

I didn't get to take as many photos of the garden this spring as I would have liked, and totally missed the blooming dogwoods and the earliest azaleas. To see them in other years, you might like to check out Flowering Shrubs in the GardenEarly Spring Flowers, or The Spring Garden Unfolds.

For reliable spring color in the garden, choose flowering trees, shrubs and perennial bulbs. You will enjoy the results!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Maristella! I hope you're having a wonderful spring! Hugs

  2. Camellias are my favorite - beautiful! They remind me of growing up in the south.

    1. Thanks, Allyson! Like everything else, they bloomed later than usual this year. The Sasanqua still has blossoms today!

  3. What a beautiful garden. We accidentally ended up with a fall crocus. We also have some that come up before the spring thaw in the snow. They are an independent flower.

    1. Since I frankly don't do much gardening in the winter, I really appreciate all the 'independent flowers'! Spring bulbs are the best -- reliable,showstoppers that spread with abandon if they like their home. Thanks for visiting!

  4. We never tire of the beauty, do we?!?

    1. Beauty lifts the spirit! Especially now spring blossoms are so welcome! Thanks for stopping by, Michele.

  5. Just loved scrolling down your post. Awesome. You are so lucky to be surrounded with such natures beauty. Enjoy your spring season. Glad you liked my post and thank you for dropping a comment. Love Sujatha:)

    1. Thanks, Sujatha! The garden in spring always lifts my spirits

  6. What a beautiful garden! That camellia is gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

    1. Thanks, Cecilia! These two camellias really put on a great show this year!

  7. You have so many of my favorite trees and the camellias are just gorgeous! I'm featuring your post at our Tuesday Turn About Link Party and hope to see you back again this week!

    1. Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed my spring garden tour!

  8. Such beautiful blooms! Thanks for sharing!

    1. You're welcome, Cindy! Thanks for visiting!

  9. So lovely. This time of year is always just a nice burst of color. Enjoy it. #HomeMattersParty

    1. Thanks, Donna! Spring is my favorite time of year in the garden.

  10. I grew up with camellias growing in the backyard. Yours brought a wave of nostalgia my way:) Thank you for sharing it at the FWF party.

    1. Thanks, Rachelle! I only discovered camellias when I moved south to Georgia. Now they're one of my favorites!

  11. Oh my goodness, your camellia is just amazing. Mine are babies compared to it! Love all the pretty blooms in your garden, and the hyacinths are in my favourite colour as well. Thank you for sharing and for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party Community, Sandra. Take care and have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thanks, April! When I planted the camellias, I had no idea this one would grow so tall! It's just gorgeous when you spy it coming up the driveway.


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