August 02, 2024

Tea and Muffins on the Bistro Table

Welcome to the deck! Today I decided to have breakfast at the bistro table, before the heat and humidity sends me back inside. It's been a while since I set a table on the deck; I'm not sure why that's the case. I enjoy being on the deck, particularly in spring and fall. We had replaced our original deck and made it larger when we totally renovated the back yard.  I described the structural transformation of our yard in Backyard Renovation Reveal and the long process of finishing the deck in Deck Update: Railing Installed.

In the spring Greg cleaned the furniture on the deck and patios while I was recuperating from minor surgery that was complicated by an injury sustained during physical therapy. Then this summer the deck, pergola and storage area were stained a medium brown with reddish undertones that really complements the cedar of the pergola.

Greg made mini strawberry muffins that I served on a figural tray comprised of raspberries and delicate flowers with handles resembling branches. The set was one that Greg had given his mother a number of years ago, which he brought home when we were clearing out her house. I like its summery vibes. He had given his grandmother a similar set that that evokes spring with cherry blossoms. I used that set in Spring Flowers are Everywhere — in the House and in the Garden.

I love the charming tea pot which suggests a birdhouse, with entwined branches for a handle and a raspberry for a finial. The sides are covered with vines, leaves and more raspberries. The little bird has just alighted to enter the birdhouse. It reminds me of the blue birds that stayed for a time in our yard in the spring.

The hexagonal shape of the cups match that of the tea pot. This photo depicts the backs of the cups (if you're right-handed) with more of the figural design than the fronts.

The trellis pattern of the plates suggest the garden, as do the flower napkins. I've often used these plates in my tablescapes since I find that their design works with a variety of patterns. Underneath I've placed pretty blue placemats.

To continue the garden theme, I used metal rings decorated with birds sitting on branches to hold the napkins.

I love sitting at this table, overlooking the garden. Here you get a view of the stream and the metal bridge that crosses it (with a small blue rug to help the furry ones cross the bridge when it's slick).

Finn patiently awaits a muffin. He is absolutely sure he'll get one — or at least part of one!
During the months of July and August, early morning or evening are the best times to enjoy the deck. Tea and muffins definitely enhance the experience!
Thanks for joining me today for tea and muffins!

Table details
Tea set and tray | Fitz & Floyd 'English Garden'
Plates | Block 'Blue Skies'
Napkin rings | Lenox 'Chirp'

* Table details are provided for identification/information only. Dinner at Eight is not affiliated with nor compensated by any other entity.


  1. It has been too hot here for Alfresco dining, but I would love to enjoy tea and muffins on your beautiful deck! I love the tea pot, mugs and platter, so pretty! Your dog is adorable :)
    Jenna from the Painted Apron

    1. Thank you, Jenna! We seem to alternate between heat waves and monsoons, but mornings tend to be reliably cool(er) and dry, so we have to get out there early. Finn is adorable and sweet -- and mischievous.

  2. I love your table setting, your tea set is so pretty.

    1. Thanks, Marlene! I love the whimsy and all the details on the tea set.

  3. What a lovely setting Sandra, perfect for tea & muffins.

    Visiting from Stephanie's today. You're most welcome to join me in a cuppa at Tea With Jennifer ☺️

    1. Thanks, Jennifer! This tea set brings an extra smile with it :)

  4. Greg is such a thoughtful gift giver. Very pretty tea set. And such a nice view. It remains so miserably hot here. The only thing that feels good is using the hose to water, and getting wet too. That's about the only way we're going to get wet here.

    1. Thank you, Rita! Greg has such a good eye for lovely table things. After a slow start this year, the back yard is beginning to fill out. We've had a week of monsoons, which I'm thankful for, but everything here needs to dry out. I feel like I've spent the last 2 months inside with the A/C and the shades drawn.

  5. Another lovely setting Sandra. I love the teapot and all the dishes really. You hubby is incredible. And Finn is adorable. I hope he got a muffin. lol. Always so nice to visit you friend. XO- MaryJo

    1. Thanks so much, MaryJo! I love all the details on the teapot and other items in the set. There's a lot to enjoy when using them. G's a multi-generational Southerner and has a real appreciation for setting a pretty table. Of course Finn got a muffin! Well half, since he had to share with big brother Jake who finally ambled up the steps.

  6. Sandra,
    What a beautiful setting on your gorgeous deck...I like to have a cup of coffee on my back patio in the morning but it has been just too hot lately to even do that...It is the humidity that gets me..But was are supposed to have a 6 day stretch of days with high's only in the 70's but it is supposed to rain....Thanks so much for stopping by amd for your kind comment!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    1. Thanks, Deb! It's either been ridiculously hot or we've had monsoons nearly every day for six weeks. Early morning is just about the only time you can enjoy the outdoors. Sigh.....

  7. I would love to be under the trees for tea, this is a lovely setting. It is so hot and muggy in Chicagoland, can't even stand taking the garbage out...still such a lovely dream to sit at your table!, Sandi

    1. Thanks, Sandi! I totally sympathize -- I can't wait for this weather to improve, but I feel like I never got to enjoy summer.

  8. That looks like the perfect place to stop and enjoy a little snack with some tea. All the finishing touches to your table are perfect.

    1. Thank you, Joanne! I love that the table is in the shade for a large part of the day.

  9. Sandra, your tea time tray is "my cup of tea"! Love the beautiful blues and pattern of the Fritz and Floyd set.

    1. Thanks, Sarah! I just love all the details on the tea set -- there's something to savor on every side.

  10. Sandra, I want to start by saying Finn is absolutely adorable—that sweet face! I love your tea setup on the porch at your bistro. It looks relaxing and a great way to start a morning or unwind in the evenings. I'm happy to feature your post this Friday at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #50.

    1. Thank you, Stephanie, what a lovely surprise! Finn is just about the sweetest pup, even when he's up to mischief!

  11. What a fun tea-time out in your lovely outdoor living space! Love the tea set. My mom would have loved it! I'm so happy to be featuring your post at Tuesday Turn About this week!

    1. Thank you, Julie, for the wonderful surprise! My husband gave the set to his mother many years ago and lovingly brought it home when she passed away. She had been an avid teapot collector.


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