November 05, 2024

Thanksgiving in the Meadows and Ponds

Among all the holidays during the year, Thanksgiving has always been my favorite. Gathering with family and friends to share memories and laughter over memorable dinners creates a special kind of holiday! While others do the cooking and baking, I'll focus on setting a table that is welcoming and festive, comfortable with a touch of elegance. 
Today I'm joining a group of stylists who are sharing their ideas for setting special Thanksgiving tables! If you've come from one of my fellow bloggers, welcome! Our blog hop was organized by Rita of Panoply and you'll find links to all the creative tables at the end of this post.
While Autumn was delayed this year, when it finally made its appearance nature seemed to suddenly burst with color in the woods and gardens! Deer began to visit each night to feast on the millions of acorns covering my yard and the northern birds have started arriving to over-winter. Wildlife seemed to be the perfect inspiration for a Thanksgiving table, so I began with dinner plates that have gorgeous renderings of birds in meadows and ponds.

A tablecloth covered in a lovely print serves as a muted base, with copper chargers bringing the warmth of fall colors to the table. Down the center runs a golden bronze runner of magnolia leaves punctuated by a vibrant centerpiece of roses in shades of tangerine and coral. I added cuttings of camellias from my garden to the fresh flowers. You can see the round camellia buds that have formed several weeks earlier than usual.

I waited in vain for good lighting in the dining room. We've had overcast skies all week interspersed with an occasional drizzle. Some of the photos were taken in what passed for daylight, some in candlelight. Some were lit by lamps and the chandelier. And a few managed to catch the blue hour.

Copper chargers are topped by dinner plates whose rims echo the design and color of the tablecloth. Individual covered soup bowls are in the shape of pumpkins, six different designs in green, orange and cream colors.

I've used six of the dinner plate designs from the pattern, depicting birds that are at home in meadows or ponds and lakes. 

I selected two types of crystal — one vintage (the topaz), one modern. They have different but complementary bowl shapes and similarly classic stems. The topaz crystal is etched in a pattern that replicates the one on the table linens.

I then added more birds to the table in the form of pheasant candle holders and

covered boxes.

Porcelain quail hide beneath the roses. Pheasant feathers were tucked here and there within the garland.

The soft colors of the blue hour are seen through the windows behind candlelight.

Ducks, quail and turkeys have settled on the buffet, nestled in fall flowers.

The simple display on the buffet contrasts with the more exuberant table style!

Everyday flatware and napkins bring the comfort factor to an otherwise elegantly set table. 


I would like to thank Rita from Panoply for organizing this Thanksgiving tablescape celebration. I hope that you'll visit each of my fellow stylists — you are sure to be inspired by their marvelous ideas!

Hyacinths for the Soul - Fine Feathered Friends
Everyday Living - Counting Our Blessings
Home is Where the Boat Is - Giving Thanks Lakeside
Life and Linda - Enchanted Woodland
My Thrift Store Addiction - A Cornucopia of Blessings for Thanksgiving
Corner of Plaid and Paisley - So Much To Be Thankful For
The Painted Apron - Thanksgiving Blessings
Thrifting Wonderland - A Thrifty Thanksgiving Table
Dinner at EightThanksgiving in the Meadows and Ponds  (you are here!)
Belle Bleu Interiors - A Table of Blessings
Red Cottage ChroniclesThanksgiving Harvest Tablescape

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

You may enjoy my other Thanksgiving tables at Grateful Harvest and Patterns in Blue for Thanksgiving.     
Table details
Dinner plates | Spode 'Woodland'
Clear crystal stemware | Waterford Marquis 'Hanover Gold'
Topaz crystal stemware | Fostoria 'Versailles'
Soup bowls | various makers
Porcelain bird candlesticks, boxes, teapot, tureen, plate | Fitz & Floyd various patterns
* Table details are provided for identification/information only. Dinner at Eight does not receive any type of compensation.


  1. Sandra, I can tell that Thanksgiving is a favorite holiday of yours by all the beautiful Fitz and Floyd pieces you have used on both the table and sideboard! Oh my goodness, they are so, so gorgeous! The subtleness of the tablecloth allows all the settings and centerpiece to shine. The color of the roses is glowing, and the magnolia with feathers so nice. The blue hour photo is stunning! The stemware - I like both sets, but that rounded bowl of the more modern Waterford one really strikes my fancy. The soup bowls alongside the place settings add more seasonal flair to it all. Just beautiful! Thank you for sharing your lovely collections in this seasonal hop. Happy Thanksgiving season, my friend.

    1. Thanks so much, Rita! I couldn't bring myself to leave out any of my F&F birds since I'm crazy about each one. I had them long before I got the china but I think they're the perfect pairing. Thanks again for organizing such a wonderful blog hop!

  2. Sandra, your table setting is beautiful! I love the color of the roses you selected and your stemware is gorgeous! Happy November!

    1. Thanks, Cecilia! I don't think I could have found lovelier flowers. I was lucky the day I found the topaz stems at an antique/vintage glass show.

  3. Your table is fantastic! I love your dinnerware, I have been stalking that pattern for ages, but I cannot justify buying even more dinnerware. I particularly like all of your pheasants. I have a pheasant teapot, but that’s the extent of my collection although, over the years, I have wanted to add to it. Your candlesticks are wonderful. This table is just perfect.

    1. Thank you, Pattie! I think of my tablewares as a hobby, and tablescapes as the way I can share my fun with everyone. So I'm very glad you enjoyed my efforts!

  4. Sandra, I also love Thanksgiving. Your Spode ’Woodland’ tugs at my heartstrings. I used mine on my table. I have always loved this pattern. I have 10 dinner plates of the land and waterfowl and 8 plates of the wild animals. Your table is beautiful with the different lighting. I always love your vintage stemware. I am a collector of Fitz and Floyd as you are. I am so happy it has made a huge comeback. I have pieces dating back to the 90’s. Your dining room is so beautiful and elegant and your table is stunning! It is always a pleasure to blog hop with you. Wishing you a blessed season of Thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you, Pam! I'm not sure why I only use my 'Woodland' in autumn -- after all the birds depicted are with us all year. I guess it's the brown pattern on the rim. I haven't seen the wild animal plates in person; I bet they're beautiful. I've got the dog salad plates though. I so enjoy these blog hops!

  5. Sandra, autumn and the Thanksgiving holiday are favorites of mine too. The holiday of gratitude that focus on gifts of family and friends. The best! You Spode plates are each one lovely and set the mood for this beautiful table. It's fun to see all your added collectables by Fitz and Floyd. Makes me think of my friend, Margaret, who collected F&F pieces. Love the blue light capture with your candle lit table. Perfection!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you, Sarah! I love that Thanksgiving focuses on sharing our gratitude with the folks that matter to us. Especially when we get to celebrate it for the whole day -- or the whole weekend! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving

  6. Autumn is a favorite time of year with the rich warm colors. I also have Spode Woodland dishes. They look fabulous on your table. Your crystal is stunning. Love your Fitz and Floyd collections. So many pretty details to enjoy on your Thanksgiving table. Always a pleasure joining you on these blog hops.

    1. Thanks, Linda! I just love how detailed the Woodland dishes are, and how each is unique. That's why I'm crazy about the F&F pieces too. And why I'm drawn to pretty crystal patterns. Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Sandra, You have the most wonderful collection of Fitz and Floyd figures and serving pieces for the seasons and holidays! I love all the various birds gathered on your table and sideboard. I have long admired Spode Woodland with all the different wildlife featured. I love how your tablecloth pattern echoes the bordered rims on your plates and your delicate vintage crystal stems, paired with the more contemporary pattern. Fall has been late to arrive here too. Wishing you a beautiful rest of November and Thanksgiving season! 🦃 🧡

    1. Thanks so much, Mary! I'm drawn to all the interesting details on the F&F pieces and have been collecting them slowly over time. The Woodland plates on the other hand was a lucky day at the antique mall! Happy Thanksgiving

  8. Sandra, your Thanksgiving table is beautiful, the Spode is such a perfect pattern for the occasion. Your choice of tablecloth and stemware is wonderful. You have so many gorgeous pieces- it must be hard to decide who gets top billing on the table each year!! Thanks for sharing your sideboard as well. I hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving 🧡🦃🍂 Ann From Corner of Plaid and Paisley

    1. Thanks, Ann! I enjoy collecting pretty tableware and try to choose pieces compatible with what I already have so I can mix and match. Enjoy your Thanksgiving celebration!

  9. This is beautiful Sandra! I love the fall colors! The Spode Woodland plates look lovely on the copper chargers and I love the cute pumpkin soup bowls! I love how you brought wildlife to the table with the pheasants and birds tucked in your gold leaf runner and around those gorgeous roses. I always enjoy how you style your sideboard to match creating such a wonderful atmosphere in the whole room. You have such a talent in mixing and matching various elements. I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving~

    1. Thanks so much for your sweet comments, Jenna! Looking out my windows in the fall always inspires me to use glorious colors on the table. I enjoy using the things I collect to add the unexpected. I'm so glad you liked this! Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Sandra I adore your table. The Copper chargers topped by Spode dinner plates whose rims bring out the design and color of the tablecloth were perfect choice. Your sideboard is always interesting and a compliment to your table.What can I say about Fitz and Floyd? Love it. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving my friend. 🦃🦃🦃🦃

    1. Thank you, Kari! I like the tablecloth so much it has become the workhorse for my fall tables. And I love the warm sheen of copper, whether bright or with a soft patina. Happy Thanksgiving!

  11. Beautiful table I like the coppper chargers with the Spode plates. All ceramic birds and other pieces on the table and side buffet are just stunning.

    1. Thanks, Linda! I like the way the chargers glowed beneath the plates. I'm so glad you stopped by! Happy Thanksgiving

  12. Sandra, your table is perfection - even if the light outside wasn't cooperating (love the blue light photo)! The muted tablecloth is a wonderful backdrop to showcase the beautiful Spode plates on those warm copper chargers. I am always in awe of your glassware and while both are gorgeous, I love how the topaz crystal echoes the pattern of the tablecloth. The flowers are such pretty colors and I am in love with those pumpkin soup bowls. What a fabulous collection of Fitz and Floyd you have - both on the table and the buffet. Happy November and wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Kim, thanks so much for your lovely comments! The colors in the plates are in many shades, any of which can inspire lovely table combinations. I hadn't realized quite how many F&F birds I had until I gathered them all in one place, lol. Enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday!

  13. Sandra your roses are stunning – what a gorgeous color! And how perfect for your lovely gold autumn tablescape on that beautiful tablecloth. I love that pattern. And mmmmmmm that topaz crystal! That’s just beautiful! You always set such a gorgeous table – I know I’ve said gorgeous and beautiful already, but I can’t help repeating myself! Really a magnificent table.😊 Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving my friend. Thanks for all the inspiration!

    1. Thanks, Barbara! I like to repeat the colors outside my windows on fall tablescapes. Although I don't see coral/orange roses out there -- just my pink camellias are in bloom, and while beautiful they aren't really autumn decor material ;) I'm slowly accumulating the topaz crystal -- it's hard to find, but I've got the same pattern in a delicate blue. Have a wonderfully enjoyable Thanksgiving!

  14. The muted tablecloth is the perfect base for you table wetting, Sandra. Placing a runner of gold magnolia leaves beneath those gorgeous coral roses is quite lovely. I'm a big fan of using birds at thanksgiving and loved your plates with the different wild bird depictions. They add such character and interest to the table. the crystal is a perfect accent to the table . The topaz goblets were my favorite. Our collection of porcelain birds is stunning and creates a lovely atmosphere for your guests. Always a pleasure to visit your tables. Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    1. Thanks so much, Lynne, for your lovely comments! I sought to replicate the color canvass outside my windows, where this year there are more golds, yellows and oranges than reds. I love all the creatures I see on fall tablescapes, but birds seem to have a special place in my heart. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  15. What a warm and welcoming table....the leaves and pumpkins and roses all caught my eye immediately! Your etched stemware is lovely. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    1. Thanks, Patti! As soon as I saw the roses I knew they had to grace the table! Happy Thanksgiving

  16. What a gorgeous table setting. I love all the pheasants. Visiting from Crazy Little Lovebirds.

    1. Thank you, Amy! I'm so glad you stopped by!

  17. Sandra, this is such a gorgeous Thanksgiving table. The Woodland Spode pattern is perfect for your setting, and it is one of my favorites. Speaking of favorites, coral roses make my heart sing. They make such a beautiful centerpiece joined with all of the pretty feathered friends. You have captured some stunning images of your table in the varying light patterns. Wishing you a blessed and happy Thanksgiving! Shannon@Belle Bleu Interiors


    1. Thank you, Shannon! I'm so glad I stumbled upon the Woodland plates in an antique mall. I've used them every autumn since -- this is my favorite table with them. The roses were just gorgeous in person and lasted for more than a week. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  18. Sandra, your table really evokes the feeling of Thanksgiving for me! The colour palette is so warm and cozy. I love your rose arrangement! The Topaz stemware is gorgeous, and it does perfectly reflect your tablecloth. The copper charger plates add a hint of sparkle! Love the pheasants too! Happy Thanksgiving :)

    1. Thanks, Maureen! I'm glad I captured the feeling of Thanksgiving for you. My earliest memories of Thanksgiving involved helping my grandmother set her table with her special dishes. I enjoyed using the reddish golds and oranges on this one. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

  19. Thanksgiving has always been my favorite too! Your table is perfection. I am hosting this year so I have been looking for tablescape ideas. I am still not sure what to do for place cards, but we are having our carpets cleaned this week so that is good news. Thanks so much for sharing!!!

    1. Thanks, Jackie! I hope I've given you some ideas for your table -- hosting can be both wonderful and stressful. Have a happy Thanksgiving!

  20. Sandra, your ‘Thanksgiving in the Meadows and Ponds’ theme is lovely and very elegant! I love your Woodland Spode plate collection! And your collection of Turkeys and Quail are beautiful. I love how they're nestled around the table and the room. It's perfect for Thanksgiving! Thank you for inspiring us with your creativity! ~ Happy Thanksgiving! ~ Jennifer

    1. Thank you, Jennifer! I love that Thanksgiving is a holiday centered around the table. A perfect chance to share the things I've collected. Happy Thanksgiving!

  21. That is such a beautiful table!

    1. Thanks, Joanne! I'm so glad you stopped by.

  22. Sandra, your table is lovely! I'm so ready for Thanksgiving. Thank you for sharing with us at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #63. :)

    1. Thanks, Stephanie! I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving.


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