May 24, 2018

Spending Late Spring Afternoons in the Garden

Spring is my favorite time in the garden! Trees and shrubs leaf out with the softest of greens, and the profusion of flowers lifts the spirit. Come with me to the garden -- these photos were taken from mid-April to mid-May and bloomed in roughly the order shown. 

Clematis 'American Beauty'


These Siberian irises graced the table for Mother's Day.

Iris sibirica 'Caesar's Brother'


A few petunias and tulips managed to evade our Labrador retrievers, who determinedly remove flowers from the pots in the backyard.

Petunia × hybrida

Tulipa (Darwin hybrids)


Clematis patens 'Nelly Moser'


Iris x germanica

I couldn't resist using these for the centerpiece last year in Lunch with Violets and Irises.

As you can probably tell, I think irises are absolutely gorgeous. I have three varieties of bearded iris, whose cultivar names I have forgotten. These have been spreading for 10-20 years.

Iris x germanica



Iris x germanica

I only got to see one of my peonies bloom before we headed off for a much-needed vacation. There's always hope that one or more are simply lagging behind!

Paeonia 'Festiva Maxima'


Iris ensata 'Magic Man'

Thanks for spending the afternoon with me in the garden! I'd love to hear your thoughts.





  1. Oh my goodness, your clematis is amazing! Isn't that just the best plant once it's established? It's so easy and reliable. Your irises are gorgeous too. You know it seems that some people have much more luck with irises than others. We've had them here too but they don't do much. Maybe it's just the heat...

    Thank you so much for joining the garden party! We'll do it again next month. :)

    1. I have my clematis in pots and have moved them about the yard following the sun as the trees grew taller. They've been happiest where they are now. In fact, one of them self-sowed under the camellia next to the side door! Never had that happen before!

  2. The color of the American Beauty clematis is fantastic! The iris are beautiful and I bet that peony smelled fantastic! Thank you for joining our Garden Party!

    1. Thanks, Liz! I love clematis, and I especially love that they're reliable performers for me. Always glad to join a good party!

  3. What gorgeous blooms! I love Iris and have a lot in my garden as well. My Peonies are just starting to bloom. Nelly Moser is one of my favorites. Mine is just opening up. Thanks for sharing with the Garden Party.

    1. Thanks, Jann, seems that we like the same types of flowers! In my case, I like anything that triumphs over clay soils, tree roots and drought!

  4. Sandra, your spring garden is stunning! The clematis, irises, and the peonies are all so beautiful! I will be hosting Gardens Galore on June 4 opening 7a.m. Central time. I would be delighted if you would link up!

    1. Thanks so much, Pam! I'll be happy to join the party

  5. Your clematis is gorgeous, but I "swooned" when I saw your Iris ... one of my favorite flowers. I can't grow bearded iris where I live and I sure miss them. It is so hot here that everything that blooms has announced "enough"!

    1. Thank you! I'm crazy about irises -- they're beginning to take over the front yard. For a few short weeks it's really pretty.

  6. Beautiful clematis, love their color. I just love the clematis and the iris. I have bearded iris but don't have any Siberian iris.

    1. Thanks, Judy! The clematis has survived through drought and rains. Give Siberian iris a try -- they're great in bouquets and they defy weeds.

  7. Sandra, it was such a delight to stroll through your gardens again this morning! Thanks so much for linking up with Gardens Galore and Happy Gardening!

    1. Pam, thank YOU for providing a lovely party to see beautiful gardens and share ideas.

  8. What sweet gardens! I especially love your irises and peonies. What a heady fragrance. Happy gardening!

    1. Thanks, Joanna! I like the peonies popping up behind the masses of Siberian irises.

  9. I love irises too, and I have three new-to-me varieties in my garden this year. Visiting from Gardens Galore.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Carole! I've just brought a few irises home from G's mother's house. Don't know the variety, but they're huge with 30 inch leaves. Now, where to put them....

  10. Your flowers are just gorgeous. Beautiful photos too. Thanks for sharing at Keep In Touch.

    1. Thanks, Katie. You can't help but take pretty photos of pretty flowers!


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