May 31, 2018

The Birds of Toulouse

After three days of rain we had a short break in the weather. I had been enjoying the return of birdsong this morning and found it to be the perfect inspiration for a table setting!

To bring birds to the table, I selected these luncheon-sized plates, in a pattern named 'Toulouse'. They're a pretty pale aqua, with spring-green leaves. A butterfly in a soft coral and blue flits above a wood thrush still sitting on its eggs.

May 24, 2018

Spending Late Spring Afternoons in the Garden

Spring is my favorite time in the garden! Trees and shrubs leaf out with the softest of greens, and the profusion of flowers lifts the spirit. Come with me to the garden -- these photos were taken from mid-April to mid-May and bloomed in roughly the order shown. 

Clematis 'American Beauty'


May 02, 2018

A Brunch for Mother's Day

Today I thought I'd share a table I've set for a Mother's Day brunch. Although we are more than a week away from Mother's Day, we will be traveling that day so we're celebrating early.