July 09, 2017

The Changing Garden

June brought new colors and shapes to the front garden.

Japanese iris (Iris ensata) are the last to bloom of the three types of irises I have. You'll notice that both sets of petals are flatter, forming a simpler, broader flower. 

They're fighting the creeping shade...

...while Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum odoratum var. pluriflorum 'Variegatum') continues to spread happily under the oaks and dogwoods.

I enjoy the impact that flowering shrubs bring. Gardenia jasminoides perfume the area near the front door. I think these are 'August Beauty'.


Bees come to visit the magenta Spiraea japonica shrubs. They'll bloom most of the summer now that they're no longer in shade.

White Calla lilies (Zantedeschia aethiopica) have freely self-sown, a little too vigorously! These pink and violet ones are my favorites, so of course they haven't strayed from where I planted them.

The first of the daylilies (Hemerocallis) have joined the party. There are thousands of daylily cultivars; my garden has six, but I've lost track of their varietal names. If only they could be used in flower arrangements, they would be the perfect perennial.

Shasta daisies (Leucanthemum x superbum 'Becky') are melting away where the shade has deepened, but have discovered the area where one of the trees was removed. They will dependably flower until fall if dead-headed regularly.

This spider lily (Hymenocallis sp.), which came with me when we built this house twenty years ago, probably hales from northern South America. It has responded happily to all the rain we've had lately -- currently more than three feet tall, the flowers are beginning to bend from their weight.

Our two Labrador retrievers rule the backyard, enthusiastically removing any flowers I plant. So back there I'm content to stare at the trees.

Staring skyward, I think about how gardens are constantly changing. Trees grow tall and cast ever more shade. Droughts take their toll. Longtime favorites fade away, others self-sow. Some perennials creep slowly to a place more to their liking. Native wildflowers find their way in.  All of which makes gardening interesting and challenging!

Thank you for visiting my garden!








  1. Your garden is beautiful. That spider lily is just stunning!

    1. Thanks! The spider lily is sturdy - it's generally left to its own devices, and doesn't mind a bit!

  2. Sandra, what a beautiful garden full of so many blooms. I can just imagine the smell of gardenia wafting in the air! The Japanese Iris and and the spider lily are stunning and the callas are a favorite of mine'. Thanks for sharing at Gardens Galore!

    1. Thank you! I love the scent of gardenias - one of the first things I discovered when I moved to the South. Thanks for hosting a gorgeous party!

  3. You have some beautiful flowers. I especially like the spider lily. What a treat to have those calla lilies freely sowing themselves (can't grow them here except like an annual). The yellow lilies look like Stella d'Oro. Shasta daisies just say summer don't they!

    1. They are probably Stella d'Oro - I got them from a neighbor who just loves all yellow flowers! The spider lily is spilling out of its bed and greets everyone coming to our side door. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Beautiful garden. I love your spider lily. I've never seen one before. Thanks for sharing your green thumb with our Share Your Style Party.

    1. Spider lilies are hardy and spectacular. The flower stalks keep growing after they've bloomed - this has grown an additional 6 inches since I took the photo! Thanks for the chance to party!

  5. Your lilies are so pretty and brightly colored. Thanks for the chuckle about the dogs taking care of any flowers you plant in the backyard.

    1. Thanks! Labs are 'working' dogs and apparently have become self-employed! It's so frustrating to go outside and find your lovingly planted flowers removed neatly from their beds and lined up next to them. Ah well, lol!

  6. Sandra, I am dropping back by to let you know you will be featured on Gardens Galore tomorrow!


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