June 11, 2017

The April Garden

The garden has gone through a rough period the past few years.  We suffered through the hottest summer ever in North Georgia. We saw the return of the drought, and with it strict water use guidelines. Since I wasn't keen on trying to water after midnight with a flashlight, the garden pretty much depended on rainfall.

Perhaps I should describe our garden. Our yard is blessed with a large number of hardwood trees towering 60 feet or more. We were able to keep them when we built the house 20 years ago, but have seen about a dozen succumb to construction trauma and drought. Perennials and flowering shrubs are interspersed among the trees and in front of the house, which is the only planted location with half-to-full-day sun.

These intrepid flowers made their appearance in April.

These are my favorite bearded irises, Iris germanica, which you saw as a centerpiece in this tablescape. That post shows their true color. These have fared well, spreading in the few sunny spots. 

These grace the steps by the side door.

The camellia in the background bloomed the month before.

 Siberian irises, Iris sibirica, have less prominent falls and standards. They anchor the island in front.

Flowers have fallen from what we've always called a tulip tree, Liriodendron tulipifera, which is related to magnolias. Some call them poplars or yellow poplars.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with these ice plants, Delosperma cooperi, which insist on leaving the garden bed and colonizing the driveway!

Solomon's Seal, Polygonatum odoratum 'Variegatum', is spreading nicely. I like how the variegation brightens the dark shade under the trees in later months. Their flowers are barely visible; there's a closeup in the second picture.

The only peony that has bloomed so far: Peony 'Festiva Maxima' .

Thanks for visiting the garden!







  1. Sandra, your irises are beautiful and your photography is excellent. Again, I would have to frame these. The peony takes my breath away! Thanks so much for joining the party!

    1. Thank you! I enjoy photographing flowers at their level - the sun does amazing things when you look at them this way. I'm so glad you decided to hold such a delightful party!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! The dark purples are my favorites.

  3. I must ask your secret for such exquisite iris blossoms? Mine did not bloom at all this year in south Alabama.
    Your peony is lovely also. You have a beautiful garden.

    1. Thank you! The irises are planted in several places and are generally in full sun from dawn until 2:00. The earlier the shade gets to them, the better the irises do. I divide them every other year.

  4. Those irises are just gorgeous. Somehow I ended up with three beds all the same purple color. I need to get some bi-color ones. Love the peony. All your flowers are lovely.

    1. Thank you! I have the yellow/purple bearded iris clump and I used to have all-over peach ones. They just didn't thrive as well as the purple ones have. When the weather is just right, irises seem to dominate all the other flowers!

  5. Your iris were beautiful and you capture great shots of them! I have a couple of stems still blooming but it' pretty much the end of them now. Love the Solomon's seal and the pretty ice plant. I just love the peonies- I sure wish they lasted longer. Your Japanese maple is huge!

    1. Thanks! I've been playing with my new iPhone - its camera is much better than the old phone's. I think it's nearly as good as the camera I've had for some time. My garden is definitely at its best in the spring (when the gardener is better, too! Lol).

  6. Here in Texas the irises have come and gone the iris has always been my favorite flower and I'm working on getting the whole side of my house filled with different colored ones. Thanks for sharing your garden is great inspiration

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I have several different varieties of irises, but I must confess the purple/lavender ones are my favorites.

  7. Sandra, what gorgeous photographs. Your flowers are beautiful! Thanks for sharing you lovely garden with us. I hope that you are having a wonderful week!

    1. Thank you! With gorgeous flowers like these, the photographer can't go wrong! We are being drenched here with almost a week of rain! At least the temps have dropped.

  8. My grandmama's iris haven't made a showing, yet this year. I look for them with hopeful anticipation. Thanks for sharing your beautiful blooms. Cherry Kay

    1. You're welcome! It must be wonderful to have inherited flowers at your home. My grandmother had beautiful flowers, but none I brought south with me survived.


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