December 06, 2016

A Partridge in a Pear Tree

I only do one holiday at a time, so I had to scramble to put together a table for a late night dessert this week. Most of our Christmas decorations are still stored away, but luckily I could easily get to Christmas china and linens.

Because we would serve both coffee and our signature holiday champagne cocktail, I chose the All the Days of Christmas set.


We have collected all twelve of the salad plates, each with a different pattern. We have four mugs with the seven swans a'swimming design.

"A Partridge in a Pear Tree"
"Two Turtle Doves"

"Three French Hens"

"Four Calling Birds"

"Twelve Drummers Drumming"

"Eight Maids Milking" and "Three French Hens"

I have had the plaid tablecloth since the mid '80s -- everything old is new again! Since it is rectangular, it doesn't quite cover the round table, and the wood top is showing in a couple of the pictures.

I paired the tablecloth with red napkins. Gold colored napkin rings that I bought years ago and heavy brass candlesticks play off the gold thread in the tablecloth and on the rims of the china.

The centerpiece is a simple grouping of faux pine branches and pine cones, vintage candlesticks and ceramic reindeer. I added red ribbons to echo those on the plates.

I love the details on the reindeer -- I think they're realistic, yet fanciful.

On a chilly rainy day, the red and green tablescape felt comforting. With a scrumptious dessert, flavored coffee and Greg's signature champagne, I believe our guests will feel "tidings of comfort and joy."


Thank you for coming to dinner at eight!

Plates, mugs, coffee pot, sugar creamer| Royal Gallery 'All the Days of Christmas'
Flatware | Oneida 'Juilliard'
Wine glasses | Marquis by Waterford
Deer | Fitz and Floyd 'Regal Holiday'


  1. Love your neat, have never seen any like that before. Pretty tablecloth
    as well.......nicely done.
    Blessings, Nellie

    1. Thank you! The dishes were from Macy's years ago, but can be found at Replacements and ebay.

  2. I love your dishes and that plaid tablecloth is beautiful. Thank you for sharing at Dishing it and Digging it link party. I love having you.

    1. Thank you, it's fun being part of such a talented group!

  3. I like your dishes, so unique. Also you plaid tablecloth fits nicely with the setting.

    1. Thanks! I was thrilled when my husband brought the first four plates home. Isn't it funny - I had nearly forgotten about the tablecloth!

  4. I really love your Christmas china and it's so charming with your plaid tablescape! Thanks for sharing at Creating Christmas!

    1. I think I like the dishes more each year! I really enjoyed the special Christmas party.

  5. Your table is gorgeous -- love the plaid and the china is terrific. I've never seen the 12 Days china before and I can see why you were taken with it. I am too. Coming over from Katie's! ~jeanie at Marmelade Gypsy

    1. Thank you, Jeanie! These were the first Christmas plates I ever bought. I've held onto the plaid cloth forever, even though it doesn't really fit any of my current tables!

  6. That is a beautiful pattern. I love plaid and this sets such a pretty table.

    1. Thanks, Katie! I still enjoy these plates even after all this time.

  7. I love 12 days of Christmas plates! I have a set of plates and bowls myself. You can always throw the tablecloth on the table at an angle and no one will notice lol Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm! xo Kathleen

    1. Thanks, Kathleen! I love the song's theme of showering someone with oodles of gifts! Funny how I kept the tablecloth all these years and finally put it to use again.


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