January 21, 2021

Snowdrifts on a Plaid Table

We've had several beautiful winter days this week. Gorgeous blue skies, brisk winds and (relatively) cold temps. Absolutely heavenly! All that I'm missing is a sparkling blanket of snow! While there's only a slim chance of that, I can dream. 

And I can build a tablescape featuring drifts of snow down the center.

January 11, 2021

Deck Update - Railing Installed!

I suppose this should really be entitled Part 3 of the backyard renovation, since it has had its own saga. If you've seen my previous posts, you may remember that we started demolition of the old deck on May 11, then progressed through demo of the rest of the backyard and then construction. The deck was the most straightforward part of the renovation. Both demo of the old deck and construction of the new was accomplished fairly quickly.