May 30, 2019

The Graduation Party!

We are so proud of our daughter! Miss J graduated from the University of North Georgia on May 3 with a Bachelor of Science in Biology.

We had been planning to host a celebration with her friends and family. She wanted her guests to feel at ease and decided that a party at our house would be perfect. Of course we agreed, but we wanted it to be an evening to remember! 

I set a table for ten in the dining room, and two tables for four in the family room, where the furniture had been pushed to the periphery. I used a combination of my own tableware and rented items, including folding tables and chairs, so that I would have a cohesive look across all the tables.

Similar centerpieces were placed on the tables, with pink-tinged peonies for the dining room, and white for the family room.

Surrounding the flowers were an assortment of crystal candle holders in differing heights. White candles tied the three tables together. My favorite part of the centerpiece arrangements were figurines of big cats — lions, jaguars, tigers, leopards and more! Miss J intends to continue her studies for a degree in veterinary medicine and hopes to work in zoos with large mammals.

I found two pairs of ceramic tiger and zebra salt/pepper shakers to go with the monkeys I already owned. The figurines were eBay finds.

To continue the theme, napkins were tied with ribbons in animal prints.

I think the effect was casually elegant!

I said earlier that we wanted her celebration to be an evening to remember. See the menus on the chargers in the photo below?

The menu was created especially for Miss J's celebration by Attorney-by-day, Master Chef-by-night Lindsay Haigh! A friend of a friend, we were so excited when Lindsay said she'd be delighted to create a special dinner experience for her. It was beyond what we imagined!

I loved that she provided menus for each of the guests and worked with a local wine shop for wine pairings that complemented each of the courses.

While Lindsay finished preparing the dinner in our kitchen (sooooo glad the kitchen reno was done in time!!), she and her assistants assembled this charcuteie board. Although I can't remember all the delicious foodstuffs she used, everyone eagerly sampled everything. For perspective, the board was about 18 by 30 inches!

Chef Lindsay garnishing the soup, for which she won a white apron on MasterChef.

Photo courtesy of Lindsay Haigh. Follow her on Instagram!

The mouth-watering main course.

Photo courtesy of Lindsay Haigh

A lemon and blueberry dessert, created for Miss J based on her favorite dessert flavors!

Photo courtesy of Lindsay Haigh

Chef Lindsay was ably assisted by Stephanie and Scott. Besides helping her prepare and serve the food, they presented and described the wine selected for each course, and whisked everything out of sight afterwards.

What the photos can't quite convey is how much Miss J savored every minute! The evening was a success!

Miss J receiving her degree from the President of the University of North Georgia.

Have a great week!

Blue banded plates/bowls | Noritake 'Lamarre'
White bowls | Noritake 'Ranier'



  1. Such a memorable celebration for your daughter. Your Noritake Lamarre is perfect for this, I have the green version, which is called Perdita however I don't have soup bowls and am certainly envious of yours.

    1. Thank you! I found a set for 12 plus serving pieces at an antique mall. On the 3rd month of visiting the china was still there so I knew I had to buy it! Thanks for stopping by

  2. What a perfect celebration!Congratulations to your daughter and you!

    1. Thank you, Maristella! We were all so excited for her!

  3. What a special evening for a special young lady! Your tables and the meal looked perfect!! Best wishes on her continued education!

    1. Thank you, Zenda! Don't you love it when all your plans come out just right?! I'll be sure to convey your wishes to her.

  4. Found you via the Turn About - so many thoughtful loving details to elevate the lovely occasion. Congratulations on a stunning celebration and this accomplishment!

    1. Thank you, Michele! We had such a great time celebrating. Thanks for visiting - I hope you come again.

  5. Hi Sandra,
    Congratulations to you and your daughter on her graduation. Such a beautifully decorated dinner party and the food looks delicious.
    My oldest daughter just graduated from high school last month and will be attending the University of North Georgia this fall. She is very excited about it.

    1. Thank you, Kathy! I believe Miss J and her guests enjoyed it very much. How exciting that your daughter will be attending UNG. Miss J loved her time there and found Dahlonega both charming and the right atmosphere for studying.

  6. Very nice, Sandra!
    I like how you brought in the additional round tables with the matching chairs. That's such a great idea for when you have more guests than the main table will seat. I'm sure your daughter will always have fond memories from that special celebration. Thanks for sharing at Homestyle Gathering!
    >>> Kim

    1. Thanks, Kim, I am so glad we rented the tables and chairs. So much better than trying to squeeze folks in here and there! My daughter is still excited about it a month later!

  7. Congrats to your daughter, Sandra! What a lovely party you threw! I love how you brought in some of the animal theme to personalize it. How amazing to have Chef Lindsay there! That food and presentation looks incredible! Thanks for sharing at Tuesday Turn About!

    1. Thanks so much, Crissy! Our daughter knew about the dinner and had provided her favorite flavors to the chef, but she didn't know about the decor I planned. So that was a welcome surprise. Thanks for stopping by

  8. Beautifully plated dinner! Looks like your party turned out to be the perfect evening. Congratulations to you and your daughter! Thank you for sharing at Tuesday Turn About!

    1. Thank you! After all the planning, my daughter and her guests had a wonderful time.

  9. Loved reading this post, Sandra! What a wonderful celebratory dinner! And what a magnificent menu! Love that your incorporated her studies into the tablescape. Congrats to all! So glad to have you at Tuesday Turn About!

    1. Thanks, Julie! It was a fun search for animals (that weren't toys!) that would work as centerpieces.

  10. Congratulations to your daughter! What a fun dinner and how exciting to have a Master Chef prepare the menu! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

    1. Thanks, Cecilia! It was exciting - and when we started planning, we had no idea that our friend knew Lindsay. Small world, isn't it?

  11. Congratulations. How fun. The food looks amazing.

    1. Thanks, Katie! All involved had a great time - and the food tasted amazing!

  12. Hi Sandra, can you email me and include your email address in your message? (The comments I receive from you are "no-reply" comments and I have a question regarding an upcoming feature.) Thanks!

  13. This is just lovely Sandra! Your table is gorgeous! I bet your daughter and guests were thrilled! Isn't it fun to throw a great party!? :) Thanks for sharing all this beautiful inspiration!

    1. Thank you, Barbara! This was such a fantastic experience, from the menus designed and food prepared, to its presentation and the great service provided by her assistants. I'd love to do it again!


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