March 25, 2021

A Medley of Easter Tablescapes

Welcome to a medley of my Easter tablescapes! 
I had intended to set an Easter table to share with you, but my plans for the last couple of weeks were drastically changed by a trip to the ER with Greg, followed by his emergency cardiac surgery. From the time I dropped him off at the ER until he was released from the hospital eight days later, I was unable to see him due to the COVID-19 visitation regulations. I am so glad he had been vaccinated before this happened!
Thankfully we could text and eventually talk on the phone. While I certainly understand the need for the hospital's policy, it made waiting so much worse. But Greg is home, healing and feeling better each day! So I'll be back with new tablescapes soon!

In the meantime, click on the title just above each pair of photos to see the full post.




Although each of these tables was set for Easter celebrations, they could readily serve all spring long. I hope whatever kind of celebration you have this Easter, that you enjoy it with family and friends!

Shared with Tablescape Thursday, Fabulous Friday, County Road    


  1. Oh, goodness. I know it has been a rough time for your husband and for you - I am so glad he is home and doing better. Each of your tables is lovely, and I enjoyed seeing them. Happy Easter!

    1. Thank you, Joy! Hoping that each day gets better for him. Happy Easter!

  2. Sandra, I am sorry to hear about your husband - but glad to know that he is on the mend! I love your medley of Easter tablescapes and its hard to pick a favorite. Each are beautiful. The bunny plates are adorable and I love those green glass chargers - so different and elegant. Happy Easter to you!

    1. Thanks, Kim, bunnies seem to be hopping throughout the house! I'm so glad you dropped by. Happy Easter!

  3. Hi Sandra, I am so glad your husband is home from the hospital. It is so ridiculous that they wouldn't let you be with him. Having loved ones close by can help with the healing process.
    Your tablescapes are all so pretty. I especially like the first one with the adorable bunny plates.
    I pray he has a speedy recovery.

    1. Thanks so much, Kathy, for your sweet comments. It was very difficult for both of us, but once he could text and call it made such a difference. Happy Easter! I have to admit I fell hard for those bunny plates!

  4. You never disappoint Sandra! These are all gorgeous! If I was forced to choose a favorite which would be so hard, I would do the bunnies and blossoms. Those little egg cups are so cute and I'm obsessed with bunnies all year long. I wish we were having an Easter celebration here this year but our second vaccination is not scheduled until 4/8 so maybe next year! But just seeing your beautiful tablescapes brightened my day. Thank you. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you, Denise, for your lovely comments! The bunnies and blossoms table was fun to do. I have a mild obsession with bunnies, as they seem to have proliferated all around the house! Our Easter celebration will once again be limited to the three of us (sigh) but I have high hopes for next year. Cheers!

  5. Pretty medley, Sandra. So sorry to hear Greg not only had to go to the hospital but have surgery too. And to not being to be with had to be tough. Our hospitals are relaxing in visitation but West Virginia is leading the nation in COVID vaccinations. My sister-in-law is in hospital, and we are all vaccinated. Mr P and his sister were even able to visit her in Neuro ICU. Hope Greg's recovery goes well at home.

    1. Thank you, Rita! Greg's getting stronger each day and is taking daily walks outside. Our subdivision is hilly so we're sticking to our flat street for now. I'm so glad they got to visit your sister-in-law; I'm sure that was comforting. Both of us have been vaccinated but the hospitals in Atlanta are firm about no visitors as our infection rates are still high. Have a great weekend!

  6. I love tablescape round ups, these pretty tables deserve to be enjoyed again and again! I know you will feel especially blessed this year as your husband recovers...I am so sorry you couldn't go visit him, that must have truly been awful...

    1. Thank you, I love round ups too, Jenna. I like immersing myself in wonderful tables! Just to see him would have been so comforting. But he's getting better by the day.

  7. Prayers for you and Greg. I look forward to seeing your next table but for now just focus on celebrating Easter together. #HomeMattersParty

    1. Thank you, Donna. He's mending, but it's a slow process and I'm grateful for prayers throughout the process.

  8. Sandra, what a frightening ordeal you and your husband have been through. I'm so glad to read that he is on the mend. I will keep him, and you in my prayers.
    Your post on tablescapes through the years is pretty and being featured at the Friday with Friends link party!

    1. Thank you, Rachelle. The whole thing happened without any kind of warning signals, so I'm glad we went straight to the ER. It has been a rough month, but he gets better each day. Thanks, also, for featuring my tablescapes!

  9. Sandra, I am so sorry to hear about Greg's ordeal. How scary for you both. So glad he was vaccinated prior and is recovering. Your pretty tables are a delight. Love the bunnies. Please take care. happy Easter. I am happy to feature your Easter medley today at Love Your Creativity. xo

    1. Linda, thank you for your thoughtful comments. He's recovering well I'm happy to report. Thanks so much for featuring my medley of tables. It was such a delightful surprise! Hope you had a wonderful Easter!

  10. Sandra, sorry to hear about your husband and glad he is home recovering now. Loved your pretty collection of tablescapes! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm--pinned!

    1. Thank you, Cecilia! His recovery seems to be right on schedule!

  11. The Plates.... the Easter Plates... LOVE THEM!

    1. I'm glad you liked them as much as I do!


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