December 27, 2018

Glassware...Everywhere! (Part 2)

If you've been following my blog, you may remember that I enjoy attending the annual glass show sponsored by the Peach State Depression Glass Club. Glassware for sale ranges from delicate antiques to depression dinnerware, elegant glassware, mid-century designs and (almost) contemporary pieces.

Last July there was glass in all shapes, sizes and colors occupying two floors. Some were functional, some were simply decorative and some are hard to describe. As usual we had a fun afternoon and of course managed to come home with a few!

So sit back, have a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and enjoy some eye candy! (Non-fattening, I promise!!) 

Other colors are behind the black vase, but I think this is the most striking.

More than half of this booth was Jadeite (green milk glass).

Gorgeous — and priced accordingly!

Such an unusual rim!

I kept returning to these, but didn't buy them.

A pair of candlesticks and a center bowl or compote was a common trio.

Painted milk glass

Fifties' whimsy!

I love these two! Art Deco meets Space Age!

Practical and useful never meant plain and boring.

I wish I could remember more about these painted vases.

This may have been the first time I saw this shade of lavender glass. It's not as common as other colors.

For all the blue lovers out there!

If you've enjoyed these, you can find more lovely examples from part one of this year's show at Glassware...Everywhere! and from the 2017 show at Vintage Glassware.

UPDATE: Several of you have expressed an interest in attending this glass show or similar shows close to you. For information see the Peach State Depression Glass Club (Marietta, GA) and the National Depression Glass Association  (for shows in multiple states).


  1. Oh my goodness...It's so beautiful to see glassware's under one roof. I love glass wears and i wish i could visit the show. Each piece is so pretty. Thank you for this share. Hope you are enjoying your season with lot of fun like visiting this kind shopping. Sujatha:)

    1. Thanks, Sujatha! I wish my photos did a better job of capturing how the light reflected off all the glass.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for visiting, Joy! I'm so glad you enjoyed the glassware.

  3. How can I get info on these events? Please email me at Thanks a bunch!!!!!!

    1. Since several folks have asked where they can find similar shows I've updated the post to include two sources for info. Hope this helps!

  4. Oh my gosh, I would so love to go there! I'll be checking out your links. I'm a big fan of depression glassware, see my recent post and my other "hutch" posts. I go to Antique show, but a glassware only show sounds awesome. Great photos!

    1. Lovely way that you display your glass, Jeanne. I keep candle holders and bowls out (moving them around occasionally) but most of mine I use on tables.

  5. WOW,WOW and WOWWWWW!Made me swoon!!!Fabulous!!!

    1. Thanks, Maristella! Each piece is prettier than the last. Good thing I bring only a limited amount of cash, lol!

  6. Oh my ! How awesome is that ? I love the art deco glass best. Perhaps it's good there isn't one close. I might never leave the building. LOL

    1. It was awfully hard to tear myself away. Having empty pockets helped LOL!

  7. Oh wow! That must have been wonderful to see up close and in person. I bet you found all sorts of wonderful goodies.

    1. I sure did! Unfortunately (or luckily, depending on the day, lol!) I couldn't afford to buy them all!

  8. Hello Sandra and Happy New Year to you! I saw your glassware post pop up in last week's Share Your Style and HAD to grab a photo so I could feature you this week at SYS #191. <3

    Just beautiful and I don't know you only brought home a few...
    Hugs and blessings to you,
    Barb Chapman

    1. Barbara, I'm so glad you enjoyed all the glassware. I've been to other shows but they have been much smaller, so this was a real treat. Thanks in advance for featuring this post so lots more folks can appreciate the beauty.

  9. What a wonderful show! I would be overwhelmed. I checked the list of shows, but they don't seem to have anything in New England coming up this year. I was blessed with a luncheon set of Pink American Princess from one of my Great aunts, years ago, which started my obsession. I love anything pink (They call me Pinky) I'm afraid I would cry if I went to show that large, the beauty of it all is so breathtaking. Keep us posted with other show visits so we can live vicariously through you.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the short walk-through of the show. Each booth had so many beautiful pieces, many in patterns I hadn't seen before. I would think New England would have some kind of similar show, perhaps affiliated with another organization. American Princess is a lovely pattern, made extra special because it was inherited. Thanks for visiting!

  10. What gorgeous glassware. Please stop by Thursday Favorite Things since you are being featured.

    1. Thanks so much for the feature, Bev! Happy to share such a great experience at the party.

  11. Oh Sandra, thanks for the beautiful tour! Of course, I'm swooning over the jadeite! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm--pinned!

    1. It was my pleasure! I had such fun exploring each booth, discovering patterns I hadn't seen before and scooping up the items I couldn't pass by.


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