April 06, 2017

The Garden in Spring

Spring has arrived! Weeks earlier than usual, and with a sudden freeze catching the early bloomers, but here nonetheless!

 Azaleas — before the freeze decimated their blossoms

A native azalea's flower shape is complex

 Japanese irises reaching for the sun in front of a Nandina

The last of the daffodils and hyacinths, backlit by the setting sun

Dogwoods seem to float against the Cryptomeria

Several Clematis in bloom by the deck caught me by surprise

Hardy cherry red tulips in pots defy the deer and bunnies

And in the front are the summer flowers to come

 I hope spring comes to your gardens soon! The earliest flowers of spring can be found here.

Thanks for visiting mine!







  1. I love visiting the gardens of others. Thanks for sharing. Yes, spring is definitely here in central TX. Our days are fabulous and things are in bloom. Happy Easter!

    1. Don't you love how individual each garden is? And how they change each year! Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment.

  2. The gardens are beautiful. I wish I could grow flowering dogwood here. I have tried, but it just doesn't do much and then I end up taking it out.

    1. Thank you! But I have to admit the dogwoods aren't my doing! They were hear in abundance when we purchased the lot to build the house on. I count myself quite lucky!

  3. Beautiful gardens! I have several dogwoods, one blooming now, others that won't come out until later. We have a long flowering season usually, a bit shorter this year due to a late freeze.

    1. This weird weather is as confusing to the plants as it to us! We barely saw the cherry trees in bloom before the freeze hit. Thanks for visiting!

  4. So pretty and the colors here are so vivid! Sooner or later mother nature is going to get with the program and give us consistent warm weather. Thank you for sharing with us this week at Celebrate Your Story, have a great week and have a Happy Holiday.

    1. Thank you. We've had such a warm winter, I hope spring doesn't bypass us and sends us straight to summer!

  5. Sandra, I just wanted you to know I featured your beautiful photography this week on Share Your Style. Congratulations!

    1. Thanks so much! It's very exciting! Now if I can only figure out how to show that you have on my blog.... (I'm still new at this, lol)

  6. Gorgeous pictures of gorgeous flowers! So happy everything is finally blooming here too....some way too early.

    1. Thanks for visiting! Flowering plants seem to be adapting to the changing weather patterns here in the South. I don't mind spring coming early...as long as August doesn't last forever

  7. Beautiful garden in spring, so glad I took the opportunity to visit yours from Pam's party!
    Rita C at Panoply

    1. Thanks, Rita! It's been a great party, with such individual gardens

  8. Sandra, what a lovely spring garden.. The photo of the azalea bloom is stunning. I think I would frame that shot. I am not sure where you live in the South, but we might be in the same zone! Your varieties of clematis are equally beautiful! Thank you so much for joining the first Gardens Galore Party. We will be having more parties this summer and I will keep you informed'

    1. Thank you! I've never thought of framing my flower photos but I confess I've occasionally used them for my Facebook profile (LOL!). Thanks for arranging the party.

  9. I love spring- watching everything come to life. Your azaleas were beautiful. I love clematis- not quite flowering here yet but soon!

    1. Thank you - spring is my favorite time of year in the garden! I find clematis to be somewhat temperamental - or maybe it's the gardener!

  10. Also, coming over from Pam's party. Thanks for your garden tour. Much beauty to behold.

    1. I'm so glad you took the time to visit my garden and share your thoughts.


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