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May 28, 2024

An Easy Solution for a Table Setting — and — Another Pup Emergency!

We had planned a low-key Mother's Day dinner for my MIL. I wanted to style a table that would be special, yet simple for me to put together, since I was still hobbling around in a walking boot post-surgery. I was thankful that I had left the crutches behind, but I wasn't steady enough to take the stairs down to my stash of table styling elements.  So I needed an easy solution for my table setting!

I began with the beautiful bouquet of flowers daughter J had sent me! I loved the variety of flowers, their forms and colors. Their scents were subtle but quite nice.

For the base I used with a pale blue jacquard cloth sprinkled with chrysanthemums that I've had for a long time. I frequently use placemats and have a number that add great dimension and color to table settings.  Although for this dinner I wanted a  tablecloth since the mosaic pattern of the table did not go well with the flowers or the occasion.
Greg graciously agreed to bring dinner plates upstairs (provided I didn't change my mind and want a different pattern lol).  The plates are decorated in the center and along the rim with a variety of flowers in the same colors as those in the centerpiece. You may remember them from In Celebration of Cranes.

All the remaining table elements were easily accessible to me. For touches of silver I used our everyday stainless flatware, rippled chargers and napkin rings. With all the blues on the table I wanted to play off the pinks in the flowers and the dishes by using these rose colored wine glasses that have such a lovely swirl and are compatible with themes throughout the seasons, such as in The Softer Side of Pink.    

Because of the pretty cranes on the plates, I chose whimsical birds for the napkin rings. 

I was pleased with how the table turned out — and I was relieved I had not dropped anything as I tottered about!

Apparently springtime can't be enjoyed without at least one emergency. Once again on a Saturday morning we discovered our pup Finnegan vomiting copiously and refusing to drink. Greg whisked him off to our vet who consulted with a radiologist and determined that Finn had eaten something ill-defined that had become lodged in his intestines. This time there was no possible alternative to try but immediate abdominal surgery. Our vet kindly stayed past their noon closing hour to perform the surgery. Finn had swallowed a sock!

After an overnight stay for medication, fluids and monitoring we were able to bring him home. Big brother Jake checked him over carefully.

Finn slowly recovered over the following week, though he wasn't much interested in playing with his toys.

Check out last year's adventure with swallowing a rope toy which entailed more extensive tests and procedures. We explained again that he should only eat the things mom and dad give him; here's hoping he listened!

I am happy to say he's back to his playful self!

Thank you for joining me today!   

Table details
Plates | Wedgwood 'Kutani Crane'
Flatware | Oneida 'Juilliard'
Wine glasses | Steuben 'Rose Swirl'

* Table details are provided for identification/information only. Dinner at Eight is not affiliated with nor compensated by any other entity.


  1. So glad Finn is doing better and your table setting was so pretty and I'm sure smiles were radiant from such a pretty table.

  2. Oh wow, glad that you managed to get Fin to the vet in time and that all seems to be going well.
    I visited you via French Ethereal. My entries are numbered #28+29
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    1. Thank you! The poor pup had a rough recovery but all seems well.

  3. Sandra, your table is lovely! The crane plates are so pretty and I adore your Steuben rose swirl wine glasses. The flowers are just gorgeous - what a lovely gift from your daughter. I'm glad your foot is on the mend but oh my goodness - poor Finn! So happy to hear that he has recovered - phew. I hope he listens to his mom and dad in the future too lol. I hope you had a fantastic mother's day.

    1. Thanks so much, Kim! I've got matching sherbet glasses, but I don't like their shape as well as the wine glasses. It was certainly quite the month, but everybody seems to be doing well.

  4. Your table looks lovely! Poor Finnegan - and poor Finnegan’s humans. It just sucks when our fur babies are sick.

    1. Thank you, Olivia! We're still in shock that Finnegan did this two years in a row. And he's only 3!

  5. The table is so perfect for Spring. Gorgeous. Now on to that sock eater. Someone clearly has delicious feet. Thanks for sharing at Funtastic Friday.

    1. Thank you. I can't fathom why he would eat one! I'm glad you stopped by

  6. Sandra, I love your Mother's Day Tablescape! The plates, flowers, tablecloth and other items are just perfect. So glad Finn is doing well after the emergency surgery. Finn and our Simba must be related - at least in spirit, as we have made more emergencies with him in 2 years than all our other dogs put together, I think. He just likes to eat everything - especially those things not in his toy box or toy pile. How old is Finn? Simba is 2 and although he is doing better, we think eating everything may be a lifetime habit - oh no! Have a great day and best wishes for Finn! - Patty

    1. Thanks, Patty, I'm glad you enjoyed the table! Finn turned 3 in the spring and has presented lots of challenges. I'm a gardener and I've had to rid our backyard of anything remotely toxic to dogs just in case he decides to try a new appetizer!!

  7. Beautiful table setting! Very happy to hear Finn is recovering...our fur kids test us, don't they? Scary though, just the same. Visiting from A Stroll Thru Life...have a wonderful day!!

    1. Thank you, Charlotte! I love the way the furry ones look you in the eye, cock their heads, and pay no attention to what not to eat.

  8. Sandra, I'm so happy to hear that Finn is doing much better. ❤️ Your table turned out beautifully. Thank you for sharing it with us at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #40.

    1. Thanks Stephanie! It took Finn a bit to bounce back but now he has totally forgotten it.

  9. Sandra, I can't believe your poor dog!!! Poor guy... Our Skeeter, our Golden Retriever, used to eat plastic things when he was a pup... Channel changers (twice!), toys, he loved squeakers... Luckily, he passed everything but I think we fed him cod liver oil to help things pass. Hope he is feeling much better! I'd get rid of anything he could chew up and swallow. No more ropes. Give him more pets and hugs and tell him how good he is. Maybe you can work on praise as his reward instead of trying to comfort himself with chewing? I don't know. Wish my mom was still with us to ask... She retired from Special Ed and went right into dog training. :)

    Anyway... All this to say that I loved your tablescape and am happy to feature it at today's late-but-up Share Your Style #430 for you. Hang in there with your pup!

    Sending love and prayers for his recovery.
    Barb :)

    1. Thank you, Barb! I've removed any plants remotely toxic from our fenced yard (except for the huge oak trees that the city won't allow). I've pup-proofed all the areas of the house Finn has access to -- even more than what we did for our daughter. And still he managed to find the sock, though neither of us seem to have any missing. Sigh . . . hope he grows out of it.

  10. Those flowers are lovely and your table looks so elegant! I am so glad your pup recovered but I bet that was quite a scare.

    1. Thanks, Joanne! I really liked the stunning accent the flowers gave to the table. I'm afraid we might have a lifetime of scares from mischievous Finn!

  11. We have a Boykin Spaniel who thinks he is a goat. Last year he snatched a scunci out of my hail and gobbled it down. 400 dollars later he had barfed it up. He also has eaten rocks.

    1. Oh my! What in the world do they find possibly scrumptious in rocks?! Trusting your pup is OK these days.

  12. Sandra, your flowers and table are beautiful! How pitiful for Finn, but so glad he's back to himself. Hopefully he won't eat anymore fluffy things like socks. My sister had an English sheepdog who used to eat socks regularly! They'd often find them in the yard later, lol.

    1. Thank you, Rita! I enjoyed setting this pretty table. As for Finn, he's not got a good track record so far. He regularly steals napkins off the table and gleefully start eating them, certain that he'll get a treat in exchange for the napkin. These are generally paper napkins BTW -- just in case he snags one. Those do end up in the yard!


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