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Monday, October 19, 2020

October Garden Flowers

Spring and fall have always been my favorite seasons! Especially since I moved to Georgia where the summers are hot with too much humidity and the winters are dreary skies and cold rain. As consolation, my autumn garden is filled with flowers! I'd like to share this year's with you. All photos were taken this past week.

I'm always amazed that summer annuals last well into fall here. These are in the pots on the deck and upper patio, seen earlier in the summer garden.


This has continued to grow and has developed a pinkish burgundy edge to some of its leaves as the weather has cooled.

The zinnias I planted as an afterthought in July are growing tall and flowering like crazy. I hadn't had much hope for the seeds since they were packaged in 2019 and should have been planted a year ago. But you never know! They're pretty against the fence.


The coleus was leggy this summer, probably from being moved repeatedly around the construction zone, but it's still putting out new leaves and appears happier for now. 😊

I'm frankly stupefied that the succulents on the deck are thriving despite 5.5 inches of rain courtesy of Hurricane Delta.



Not to be outdone are the flowers on the side of the house! Lantana

Oxalis (a pass-along plant from Greg's great-grandmother's garden in her 100-year-old concrete planters),

and Pentas lanceolata.

Meanwhile out back, several nandinas were the only existing shrubs to survive the renovation. Their white berries have turned a coppery color. They should be red by the end of November, in time for holiday decorations.

In the front garden the first of the camellias has bloomed! It's earlier than usual, generally waiting until late fall. I love how the deep pink buds open to white blossoms edged with a lighter shade of pink. 

When Miss J was small, she loved to pick the flowers (no stems!) and float them in her cereal bowls.

Happy October!



  1. What variety is your camellia? The colors are gorgeous and so soft!

    1. Oh, Judy, I wish I knew! I had all my garden info in a database on my desktop computer that died a quick death about 9 years ago. Of course I hadn't backed the info up. I've since learned my lesson!

  2. Sandra, what a beautiful garden. The flowers are simply stunning, each and everyone of them! Wow.

    1. Thank you, Kim! I've delighted in how all of them shrugged off the construction and thrived in our wetter than usual summer and fall.

  3. Replies
    1. Aww thanks, Maristella! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

  4. I love all the flowers! I think Zinnias are my favorite this year for sure.

    1. Thanks, Lysha! Zinnias are such vigorous, dependable flowers that come in lots of different colors. What's not to like? lol

  5. They look beautiful. The dahlias here in New England are looking spectacular this October.

    1. Thanks so much! It's amazing what a difference adequate rainfall makes!

  6. Sandra, your October garden is showing out beautifully! Zinnias last until frost and they are perfect to save your seeds. Enjoy the nice weather!

    1. Thank you, Pam! Considering the backyard chaos, I'm thankful the flowers bloomed as well as they did. Lots of rain sure helped!

  7. Thank you for sharing this beautiful garden with us. It brightened my day! I'm visiting today from the Friday Favorites link up. Have a great weekend Sandra!

    1. Thanks, Marielle! Seeing flowers lifts my spirit.

  8. I so enjoyed your post Sandra. I am always drawn to anything with flowers!!! Your October garden is beautiful. My zinnias and dahlias are still blooming, but we are expected to get freezing temps tomorrow night. So sad. Thank you for sharing at Charming Homes an Gardens.

    1. Thank you, Kim! With the backyard under construction for nearly five months I was determined to have flowers in my containers.

  9. Beautiful! Your lucky to still have flowers in October - Further north the flowers are all gone.

    1. Thanks, Jeanne! Having a longer growing season has been one of the best things about moving here from Ohio. With all the rain we've had, this year has been one of the prettiest in the garden.

  10. They are all so pretty! My daughters love cactus and succulents, they have that same one with the pinkish red flower on top! Thank you for sharing at Embracing HOme and Family!

    1. Glad you liked my garden flowers, Jenn! I've got good drainage in the pots holding the cacti and succulents, but I'm still surprised they've not exploded or gone squishy with all the rain we've had. We're due for another 3-4 inches from Hurricane Zeta tomorrow. I've got my fingers crossed!

  11. Your garden is beautiful. Some of my spring flowers are still hanging around these days too and I hate to pull them up to replace with mums when they still look so pretty. Thanks for sharing. #HomeMattersParty

    1. Oh, I agree! At this rate I probably won't be buying any mums this fall! lol. Thanks for stopping by Donna.

  12. What an amazing fall garden, you have, Sandra! It's absolutely beautiful. It's lovely to watch our gardens evolve as our lives and the seasons progress. Thank you for sharing these lovely photographs with the Hearth and Soul Link Party!

    1. Thanks, April! I think constant change defines gardens. Including for the gardener! I had to learn a new approach when I moved 500 miles south to my current home.

  13. So beautiful. Flowers and berries look adorable:)

    1. Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed them. Would you believe it's now November and some are still blooming!


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