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Tuesday, January 23, 2024

A Valentine's Table with Flowers, Ribbons and Hearts

What could be more romantic than flowers? Perhaps setting a lovely table to showcase their blooms and enjoy their fragrances on a winter's day. Especially if done for Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Chocolate and Snowmen

Brrrrr!! Winter has arrived with a vengeance! Here in North Georgia it's 15℉ with the wind chill bringing it down to 4℉. And forecast to be colder tomorrow. (I know a lot of you are experiencing much colder temps and many inches of snow, but we don't usually get truly wintry weather in the northern metro 'burbs.)
Our two black labs can't get enough of the outdoors!
So . . . what to do? Set up a hot cocoa station of course!