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Thursday, November 19, 2020

A Thanksgiving Table for Four

Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. To me there's nothing better than gathering with family and friends, sharing stories and laughter, and celebrating with wonderful food created with well-loved recipes.

This year it will be different. There will only be three, perhaps four, of us. But there will still be much to be thankful for. And much to celebrate!

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Fall Vignettes - Pumpkins in the House

I seem to have acquired a lot of pumpkins in the past few years. I have pumpkins made of glass and others that are ceramic. I have a few velveteen covered pumpkins and a large array of foam pumpkins in a variety of sizes. In most years I add real pumpkins to the mix. Greg says I have enough. He's probably right, lol!