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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Chinese New Year, Vintage Style

February 5 begins a new year on the traditional Chinese calendar. Lunar New Year celebrations start on the 23rd day of the 12th lunar month of the Chinese calendar and last for about 23 days. As a result, it comes on a different date each year. I particularly enjoy celebrations during the long winter months. They provide something to look forward to and moments of bright color to brighten what can be quite dreary days.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Silver and White for Embracing January

Every season has its beauty. On this cold, blustery day, I decided to embrace January's by setting a glittery table of silver and white.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Setting a Warm Winter Table...Just Because!

We are in Week 11 of our kitchen and master bath renovation. It has turned the whole house upside down and inside out. We've retreated to the lower level that we finished a little over six years ago. The game room/garden room where I've been designing tablescapes is the only room in the house which has escaped the chaos.

I've always found setting tables to be both creative and relaxing. Needed all the more as power tools echo above my head! I hadn't yet come up with a design for this week's table when Greg walked in the door with a dozen roses — just because!